Moh Ari Fandi

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Introduction sameone to others

Introduction sameone to others

Hello, good morning, my friends

I want to introduce my family

There are 5 members in my family

They are my father, my mother, my sister, grand mother and me

My father is Mr Jatim, He is a farmer, he is in the fields from morming to evening, he is 46 years old

My mother is Mrs Siti Maryam She is a merchant, she is opened a coffe shop on the Buduan market highway, she is 45 years old

My sister is Umi Nur Havivi She is just finished his undergraduate at university muhammadiah jember, she is 22 years old

My grand mother is Mustirah she is a seamstress, she is 60 years old.

I fell so happy and pround of my family

Thank you

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