Lael Daphnea Anabelle

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The furry mythics

The furry mythics

The Furry Myths

Once upon a time there is a unicorn living in a forest, her name is Lulu. One day Lulu wanted to have a advancer, so she told her mom to go hiking, her mom is so scared because she didn’t want Lulu to get hurt, so she said “ no Lulu it’s too dangerous on the mountain, there is a dragon and a fire bird up there”. Lulu is so sad because her mother didn’t let her go everywhere, on the next day her friend Lolli and Zizi ask her to go hiking on the mountains, Lulu is so excited so she went to the mountain without her mom’s permission. She paked all her things to go hiking, on the to of the mountain’s she and her friends see a fire bird and the fire bird said “ what are you unicorns doing up here? have you herd the law no unicorns are not allowed to go to the mountains? They said no and what will happen if we are up here? The fire bird answered “ if you don’t go the bottom of the mountain the king of the dragon will wake up and breath fire.”, the unicorn became scared so they rush to go down but its too late the dragon king awake!, The unicorns are captured, the dragon king is mad

, so the dragon king said “you have to find a firebird feather and a magic mushroom then mix it with water!” said the dragon king, so the unicorns tried to find the magic mushroom, but they couldn’t find one, so they ask the dragon king , and he said to them “ its in the wizard house”, then they find the wizard, and they found it! They ask “ do you have a magic mushroom ? the wizard said “ yes here you go”. After they got everything they mix it and the dragon asleep again and they went down the hill and lived happily ever after.

The End

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Wow, that's really good, go on

08 Apr

That's so good Lael!

08 Apr


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