Lael Daphnea Anabelle

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Fluff on paws

Judul: Fluff on paws

Penulis: Lael Daphnea Anabelle

Jenis buku: Fiksi


Lili is a normal girl who really wants a dog.

In her birthday, she turns out asked her mom for a dog.

Her mom can’t buy one at the pet shop, it was too expensive.

Her mom felt really bad for Lily.

The day after Lili’s birthday, there is a surprise at the dining room.

Her mom told Lili there is something special if she goes to the dining room. Lili ran to the dining room, at the dining room, her family gave Lili a present. Lili opens the box and she was so happy because there was her dream pet in the box.

Lili didn’t believe that she got her dream pet, she was verry excited. Lili name her puppy fluff, she always take care of fluff.

Her family was happy for Lili, they even hug her.


1. Fluff on paws

2. the furry mythic's

3. Anie and her pets

4. Fear of the big

5. Big and the greedy

6. Small but smart

7. Kiki and her friends

8.Wini the messy mouse

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