Faith Natalie Kusumah

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Profile of the writer:

Faith Natalie Kusumah is the writer of this book. She was born on 23 December 2011. She wrote this book with the Sasisabu Program from 4 March 2022 to 19 April 2022.

Her family members are my brother, dad, and mom. Her brother’s name is Nathan. Her dad’s name is Andrew Immanuel Kusumah and he works as a businessman. Her mom’s name is Victoria Tiauw and she works as a Math teacher in Raffles. She lives with her paternal grandma and grandpa.

Her hobbies are drawing, playing games, singing, and reading. She likes Math because she always loves logical things. She often reads Enid Blyton, Aoyama Gosho, and Roald Dahl’s books. She kept all her books in her room.

Her best friends are Gwen and Agnes. She has only 5 fish that her grandpa takes care of. She had a rabbit because she loves rabbits. But sadly, her dad’s friend wanted to take them so she has no rabbit now. Her grandma said that she doesn’t like rabbits because they smell bad.

She recounts her trip to Japan in this book with her brother, mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, aunt Yuliana, uncle, aunt Emelia, and cousins. She calls them, Nathan, Mommy, Daddy, Ahkong, Ahmah, Ieie, Jiu jiu, Jiu mu, and her cousins are Sebastian and Emma. She went to Gotemba and Tokyo in Japan on 23 December 2019 for a week.

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