Faith Natalie Kusumah

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Sasisabu ( Make a Preface )


Lord, our heavenly Father, please help me to finish this book well. God, please bless the people around me who have helped me make this book. Lord, please help me so I could be a blessing to people around me. Please bless Mr. Syaiful dan Ms. April who made the Sasisabu program and explain how to make books.

Please bless Ms. Fince, the principal of the SDK Tirtamarta BPK Penabur Pondok Indah, Ms. Lina, Ms. Ratri, and other teachers who accompanied and encouraged me to write this book. Also, I would like to thank the editorial team who help will improve my book and my dad and mom encouraged me.

Lord, please bless this story in my book so it could be a blessing and entertainment to other people God. Please help me to learn and focus on the education from Tirtamarta BPK Penabur Pondok Indah. Help me finish my first book “My Trip to Japan”.

Lord help me to be brave and tenacious to finish this book.

South Jakarta, 9 March 2022

Writer: Faith Natalie Kusumah

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