Faith Natalie Kusumah

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Sasisabu ( Make a Outline and a Synopsis )


1. Off we go to Japan

2. Asakusa and Ryokan

3. Happy Pancake and Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden

4. Mars Gotemba and Odawara Castle

5. Lake Kawaguchi and Mount Fuji

6. Back to Tokyo

7. Tokyo Disneyland

8. Ginza

9. Let’s go home


I went to Japan on my birthday with my family and the trip was 1 week long. During our trip, we went to stay at three places and one of my favorite parts was eating sushi and ramen. I also loved “Onsen” in Japan and the view of Mountain Fuji as it was really beautiful. I learned some new Japanese words and got to ride the MRT in Japan. However, I didn’t like the weather because it was so cold. I didn’t see snowfall in Japan too even though I was hoping to see it. I walked a lot before we rented a car at Asakusa. Read more to find out the rest!

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