Faith Natalie Kusumah

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Sasisabu ( Chapter 9 ) ( Let's go home! )

Chapter 9

Let’s go home!

We woke up early because we would be going home. We prepared ourselves and finished packing. Then we ate breakfast in the hotel. We went to a different airport from my uncle, aunts, and cousins. We went to Narita airport while they went to Haneda airport. It was because we had different flights.

Our journey to the airport was an hour and a half. We checked in our luggage and then went to the gate. On my way to the gate, my grandma wanted to go to the toilet. So, we went to find the restroom and it was on the second floor. We went up the escalator and we saw a Pokémon store!

Nathan and I were so excited and happy! Our parents allowed us to choose one Pokémon character each. It was difficult to choose from so many characters but my parents hurried us to pick one. After a few minutes, I chose an Eevee and Nathan chose a Bulbasaur.

Then, we saw a lot of duty-free shops and we bought some Japanese snacks for souvenirs. Our favorite was the famous banana cake. We walked a lot till we reached the boarding gate. The flight was 6 hours and so. We went on the plane and flew back to Indonesia.

This was such a memorable trip. Oh, I did not get my bag back, but that is okay. I wish and hope we can go back there again soon with my family.

The end

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