Faith Natalie Kusumah

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Sasisabu ( Chapter 8 ) ( Ginza and Shibuya )

Chapter 8

Ginza and Shibuya

I woke up feeling weird but I did not say anything. My parents and others decided to go to Ginza and we agreed to it. Ginza is a very popular place for shopping and eating.

After we had our breakfast in the hotel, we went to Ginza. There were lots of tall buildings and they were filled with shops that are quite spacious. It was different from the stores in Omotesando and Shinjuku. It seemed to be a posh area.

When in Ginza, my mom touched my head and said, “You had a mild fever”. Of course, I didn’t like it at all. She asked me how I was feeling and I told her about my throat. My throat felt tight. She told my dad and Nathan about it. Then, my mom bought medicine from a pharmacy for my fever and sore throat. She said that I must have been too tired the day before in Disneyland.

We continued walking and the kids were kind of bored while the adults shopped. We tried to play in the stores but we were not allowed to be too loud. They bought some clothes and we had our lunch in a Chinese restaurant. It was so good to have fried rice. My grandparents love Chinese food as well.

After lunch, they wanted to continue shopping but our parents decided to return to the hotel so Nathan and I could take a nap. We said goodbye to others and separated from them. We rode the train and reached the station near our hotel. My dad bought sushi from the supermarket below the hotel before we went back to our room.

Once we got into our room, we changed and took a nap. After waking up, I felt better and walked around the hotel. I ate the sushi that we bought and I loved it because sushi is my favorite food.

We got changed and prepared to go to Shibuya with my grandma and aunt. We took the train and walked around and finally entered a mall named Takashimaya to have dinner. We had katsu sets and it was very tasty. We ordered some food from another restaurant for my grandpa who wanted to stay in the hotel. He did not like shopping and walking around in the mall.

After dinner, we walked around and watched people dancing to music. We even took a video of the dancers. Because I also had a huge sprue on my lip, my mom searched for any medicine to help ease the pain in the pharmacy. She used Google translate to explain to the lady in the pharmacy. The lady gave her medicine to put on my sprue. Then we decided to return to the hotel and rest.

In the hotel, we went to our grandparents’ room to play with our cousins and the adults chatted. We also played cards. Then, we all returned to our own rooms to sleep.

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